400+ restricted Amazon keywords title image.

400+ Restricted Amazon Keywords: The Most Comprehensive List You’ll Ever Need

Ryan Faist

Ryan Faist, Channel Key

September 6, 2024

In the competitive world of Amazon, keywords are crucial to driving visibility and sales for your products. However, not all keywords are created equal. Amazon has strict guidelines on which keywords can be used in product listings. Violating these rules can result in serious consequences for your brand.

Understanding and adhering to Amazon’s restricted keyword policies is vital for any brand’s success on the platform. In this blog, we’ll explore what Amazon restricted keywords are, why they matter, and how you can avoid costly mistakes.

What are Amazon Restricted Keywords?

Restricted keywords are specific terms or phrases that sellers should avoid using in their Amazon product listings. These keywords can include a variety of terms that Amazon deems inappropriate, misleading, or legally problematic.

The use of restricted keywords can lead to listing suppression, account suspension, or even permanent bans from the marketplace. Therefore, it is essential to know what these keywords are and why they are restricted.

Why Does Amazon Restrict Keywords?

Amazon restricts certain keywords to ensure compliance with legal standards, protect intellectual property rights, and enhance the overall customer experience. These restrictions are in place to maintain a fair and trustworthy marketplace for both sellers and buyers.

Compliance with legal standards is one of the primary reasons for keyword restrictions. Many of the keywords on this list are designed to prevent brands from violating laws or regulations.

For instance, making unverified medical claims or using trademarked terms without proper permission can result in legal issues for both the seller and Amazon. By enforcing these restrictions, Amazon helps brands avoid legal trouble and ensures the platform remains compliant with relevant laws.

Protecting intellectual property is another reason behind Amazon’s keyword restrictions. The marketplace is diligent in safeguarding the rights of intellectual property owners, which includes prohibiting the unauthorized use of a competitor’s brand name or trademarked terms in listings. This vigilance helps prevent legal disputes and fosters a trustworthy environment.

Lastly, enhancing customer experience is a key factor in restricting certain keywords. By preventing misleading or false claims in product listings, Amazon aims to provide customers with accurate information about the products they are considering.

This focus on transparency and honesty helps customers make informed purchasing decisions, ultimately contributing to a positive shopping experience.

Common Types of Restricted Keywords

There are several categories of restricted keywords that brands should be aware of when listing products on Amazon. These keywords are prohibited by Amazon to maintain a secure and reliable shopping environment. Understanding these categories will help you avoid potential listing issues.

  • Trademarked and Brand Names: Using another company’s trademarked name or brand without permission is strictly prohibited. This includes not only the names of products but also logos and slogans.
  • Prohibited Content: Amazon does not allow keywords that involve adult content, offensive language, or anything that could be considered inappropriate or harmful.
  • Medical Claims: Any health-related statements that are not FDA-approved, such as “cures cancer” or “prevents heart disease,” are restricted. Amazon requires scientific proof and FDA approval for any medical claims made in listings.
  • Comparative and Superlative Terms: Words like “best,” “cheapest,” or “number one” are often considered misleading or subjective. Unless you have verifiable evidence to support these claims, it’s best to avoid them.
  • Subjective Terms: Descriptive words such as “amazing,” “incredible,” or “must-have” can be considered subjective and potentially misleading. Amazon prefers objective, factual descriptions.

Consequences of Using Restricted Keywords

Using restricted keywords can have significant consequences for your business. Amazon may suppress your product listing from search results. This means customers won’t be able to find your products as easily, which can lead to a steep decline in sales and market share.

In more severe cases, repeated violations or severe misuse of restricted keywords can result in Amazon temporarily or permanently suspending your seller account. Such suspensions can disrupt your operations, leading to lost revenue and a damaged reputation among customers.

Beyond the penalties imposed by Amazon, using restricted keywords can also erode trust in your brand. Customers who perceive your listings as misleading or non-compliant may leave negative reviews, which can deter future buyers and tarnish your brand’s image.

How to Identify Amazon Restricted Keywords

Avoiding restricted keywords before they become a problem is the best precaution. Unfortunately, this can be challenging because Amazon doesn’t publish an official list of restricted keywords.

With a combined 30+ years of experience selling on Amazon, our team has compiled a list of 400+ keywords that Amazon has flagged in the past. Note: this doesn’t mean you will always be penalized for using these terms. However, in our experience, it’s not worth the risk.

In addition to reviewing our comprehensive list, here are a few more ways to help you stay on top of Amazon’s keyword policies:

  • Amazon’s Seller Central Resources: Amazon provides guidelines and tools within Seller Central that can help you identify restricted keywords. Although far from comprehensive, regularly reviewing these resources can help keep you informed of changes.
  • Third-Party Tools: Several third-party tools are available that can help you locate restricted keywords and optimize your listings for compliance. Tools like Helium 10 and Jungle Scout offer features that flag potential violations.
  • Manual Checks and Testing: Conducting regular manual checks of your listings and using search engines to see how Amazon ranks your products can also help spot issues. Testing keywords and observing changes in listing performance can offer valuable insights.

Best Practices for Avoiding Restricted Keywords

To avoid the pitfalls of restricted keywords, follow these best practices:

  • Use Clear, Accurate Descriptions: Avoid using hyperbolic or unverifiable claims in your product descriptions. Stick to factual, objective language that accurately represents your product.
  • Avoid Unverified Claims: Unless you have solid proof, refrain from making any health-related or performance claims that could be considered misleading or unsubstantiated.
  • Utilize Keyword Tools and Resources: Use the keyword tools and resources available to you, whether through Amazon or third-party services, to make sure your listings are compliant.

How to Handle Listings with Restricted Keywords

Handling Amazon product listings with restricted keywords can be challenging, but it’s essential for maintaining your account’s health and ensuring a seamless shopping experience for customers. Here are some strategies to effectively manage restricted keywords in your Amazon product listings:

  • Familiarize Yourself with Amazon’s Guidelines: Start by thoroughly reviewing this blog on restricted keywords. Understanding what is not allowed will help you avoid using these terms in your listings.
  • Conduct Keyword Research: Use keyword research tools to identify alternative keywords that are both effective and compliant with Amazon’s policies. Avoid using terms that may suggest restricted or prohibited claims, such as those related to health, safety, or specific medical conditions, unless you are certain they meet Amazon’s criteria.
  • Monitor and Audit Your Listings: Regularly audit your product listings for compliance. This includes checking for any restricted keywords that may have been inadvertently used. Automated tools and manual checks can help you make sure all listings adhere to Amazon’s rules.
  • Update and Optimize Content: If a listing contains restricted keywords, update the content immediately to remove them. Replace restricted terms with compliant alternatives that still accurately describe your product’s features and benefits. Keeping your content fresh and relevant can improve visibility and maintain compliance.
  • Educate Your Team: Make sure everyone involved in creating and managing product listings understands Amazon’s restricted keyword policies. Providing regular training and updates can prevent mistakes and help your team stay informed about the latest guidelines.

Case Studies: Examples of Restricted Keyword Violations

To better understand the impact of restricted keyword violations, consider these real-life examples:

  • Case Study 1: A seller used a competitor’s brand name in their product title to attract more views. Amazon detected this violation and suspended the seller’s account. The seller had to go through a lengthy appeal process and revise all listings before their account was reinstated.
  • Case Study 2: Another brand made unsubstantiated health claims about a dietary supplement, leading to the suppression of their product listings. After removing the claims and providing proof of compliance, the brand was able to restore their listings but faced a significant drop in sales and credibility.

FAQs on Restricted Keywords

  • Can I use competitor brand names in my product listings?
    No, using a competitor’s brand name or trademark without permission is prohibited and can lead to severe penalties, including account suspension.
  • What should I do if my listing is suppressed due to a restricted keyword?
    Review Amazon’s guidelines, revise your listing to remove the restricted keyword, and appeal the suppression through Seller Central with evidence of compliance.
  • How often does Amazon update its list of restricted keywords?
    Amazon updates its policies and restrictions regularly. Sellers should review these guidelines often to ensure compliance.
  • Are there any exceptions to Amazon’s restricted keyword policy?
    Generally, there are no exceptions. All sellers must follow Amazon’s keyword policies to maintain a fair and legal marketplace.

The Comprehensive List of 400+ Restricted Amazon Keywords

Note: Using these words in your product listings will not necessarily result in a policy violation. Amazon considers the context of how the word is being used to determine whether they deem it is misleading to customers. However, each of these words have caused issues in the past and should be avoided (or used with extreme caution).

  • % OFF
  • 100% Natural
  • 100% Quality Guaranteed
  • 100% Value
  • Abuse
  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • ADD
  • Added Value
  • ADHD
  • AIDS
  • All Natural
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  • Alzheimer’s
  • Amazon
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  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antiseptic
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  • Anxiety
  • Approved
  • Approved by Amazon
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  • Arrived
  • Arthritis
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  • Best buy
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  • Best discount
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  • Best price
  • Best price
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  • Best Selling
  • Best That Nature Has to Offer
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  • Bestseller
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  • Blue-chip
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  • Brand New
  • Buy Now
  • Buy With Confidence
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  • Cancroid
  • Cataract
  • CBD
  • Certified
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  • Champion
  • Chart-topping
  • Cheap
  • Chlamydia
  • Closeout
  • CMV
  • Complete
  • Compliance
  • Compostable
  • Concussion
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  • Coronavirus
  • Cost
  • Covid
  • COVID-19
  • Crabs
  • Crysti Fibrosis
  • Cure
  • Customer favorite
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Decomposable
  • Definitive
  • Degradable
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Detox
  • Detoxification
  • Detoxify
  • Detoxifying
  • Diabetes
  • Diabetic
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Discounted Price
  • Disease
  • Diseases
  • Disinfect
  • Don’t Miss Out
  • Eco Friendly
  • Eco-Friendly
  • Ecofriendly
  • Elite
  • Endorsed by Amazon
  • Endorsed by the FDA
  • Etc.
  • Excellent value
  • Fall Sale
  • Fast Relief
  • Fast-moving
  • Fast-selling
  • Fastest-selling
  • FDA
  • FDA Approval
  • FDA-accredited
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  • FDA-cleared
  • FDA-compliant
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  • FDA-verified
  • FedEx
  • Feedback
  • Filter
  • Finest
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  • Flawless
  • Flu
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  • Free Gift
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  • Fungal
  • Fungicide
  • Fungicides
  • Fungus
  • Germ
  • Germs
  • Gift
  • Gift Idea
  • Glaucoma
  • Golden
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  • Great As
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  • Growth
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  • Guaranteed
  • Hallmark
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  • Has Arrived
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  • Hassle Free
  • Hassle-Free
  • Heal
  • Healing
  • Heart
  • Hepatitis
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Herpes
  • Herpes Simplex Virus 1
  • Herpes Simplex Virus 2
  • High-demand
  • High-grade
  • High-grossing
  • High-ranking
  • High-selling
  • High-volume
  • Highest Rated
  • HIV
  • Hodgkins Lymphoma
  • Home Compostable
  • Hot deal
  • Hot Item
  • HPV
  • HSV1
  • HSV2
  • Huge Sale
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • Human Papiloma Virus
  • Ideal
  • Impeccable
  • Imported From
  • In-demand
  • Incomparable
  • Indian
  • Infallible
  • Infection
  • Inflammation
  • Influenza
  • Inimitable
  • Insecticide
  • Invincible
  • iPhone
  • Irresistible
  • Kill
  • Kills Viruses
  • Kn95
  • Lasting Quality
  • Leading
  • Leading seller
  • LGV
  • Licensed by the FDA
  • Limited Time Offer
  • Liver Disease
  • Lupus
  • Lymphogranuloma Venereum
  • Lymphoma
  • Made In
  • Mail Rebate
  • Majestic
  • Make Excellent
  • Makes Awesome
  • Makes Great
  • Makes Perfect
  • Makes Spectacular
  • Makes The Best
  • Makes Wonderful
  • Marine Degradable
  • Market-leading
  • Massive Sale
  • Masterful
  • Matchless
  • Meningitis
  • Mildew
  • Minoxidil
  • Mold
  • Mold Resistant
  • Mold Spores
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Mono
  • Mononucleosis
  • Most popular
  • Most-bought
  • Most-moving
  • Most-purchased
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Mycoplasma Genitalium
  • N95
  • Nano Silver
  • Native American
  • Native American Indian
  • Natural
  • Newest Version
  • NGU
  • Non Toxic
  • Non-Injurious
  • Non-Poisonous
  • Non-Toxic
  • Noncorrosive
  • Nongonococcal Urethritis
  • Now Together
  • Number one
  • Number one seller
  • On Sale
  • Optimal
  • Outstanding
  • Outstandingly
  • Over-Stock
  • Overstock
  • Paramount
  • Parasitic
  • Parkinson
  • Patented
  • Pathogen
  • Peal
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
  • Perfect
  • Perfect For
  • Perfect Gift
  • Pest
  • Pest Control
  • Pesticide
  • Pesticides
  • Pharmaceutical
  • PID
  • Pinnacle
  • Platinum
  • Plus Free
  • Popular-selling
  • Preeminent
  • Premier
  • Prime
  • Pristine
  • Professional Quality
  • Proven
  • Pubic Lice
  • Public Lice
  • Pure
  • Quality
  • Radiation
  • Reach Out to Us
  • Ready To Ship
  • Recommended By
  • Record-breaking
  • Remedies
  • Remedy
  • Repel
  • Repellent
  • Repelling
  • Repels Insects
  • Retail Box
  • Ringworm
  • SAD
  • Safe
  • Sanctioned by Amazon
  • Sanctioned by the FDA
  • Sanitize
  • Sanitizes
  • Satisfaction
  • Save $
  • Save Cash
  • Save Money
  • Scabies
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Seen On TV
  • Sexy
  • Ships Faster
  • Shop With Confidence
  • Sought-after
  • Special offer
  • Special offer
  • Special Promo
  • Spring Sale
  • Star
  • Steal of a deal
  • Stroke
  • Stupendous
  • Summer Sale
  • Super Sale
  • Superb
  • Superb-quality
  • Supplies Won’t Last
  • Supreme
  • TBIs
  • Tested
  • The Clap
  • Tip-top
  • Top
  • Top Notch
  • Top offer
  • Top Quality
  • Top Rated
  • Top Selling
  • Top-notch
  • Top-performing
  • Top-ranking
  • Top-rated
  • Top-tier
  • Toxic
  • Toxin
  • Toxins
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Treat
  • Treatment
  • Tribe
  • Tribes
  • Trich
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Tricht
  • Tumor
  • Ultimate
  • Unassailable
  • Unbeatable price
  • Unbeatable price
  • Unblemished
  • Unchallenged
  • Unconquerable
  • Uncontestable
  • Unequaled
  • Unimpeachable
  • Unmatched
  • Unparalleled
  • Unrivaled
  • UPS
  • Used
  • Validated
  • Vetted by Amazon
  • Vetted by the FDA
  • Viral

Channel Key Takeaway

Understanding Amazon’s restricted keywords policy is essential for any brand that competes on the platform. By staying informed, using clear and accurate language, and adhering to Amazon’s guidelines, you can avoid penalties and ensure your listings remain visible and effective. Remember, compliance is not just about avoiding trouble – it’s about building a trustworthy brand that customers can rely on.

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