Channel Key - Amazon Negative Reviews

Amazon Negative Reviews – Best Practices

Ryan Faist

Ryan Faist, Channel Key

April 26, 2020

As a seller on Amazon, you will inevitably run into negative reviews. Responding to negative reviews on Amazon is important. Burdensome customers need to be quickly dealt with and carefully nurtured. These customers can be influential to how well your products sell on the platform.

Active shoppers tend to use reviews as a purchasing guide when making their buying decisions. Shoppers may judge you based on how well you deal with a difficult customer. However, when handled properly a bad review can lead to new sales.

In this post, we outline some best practices to keep in mind when dealing with negative reviews on Amazon.

 Best Practices:

  1. Get in contact with the customer directly.
  2. Utilize the ‘managed orders’ feature on Amazon – Get full details of the customer’s order before contact.
  3. Be fully prepared and let the customer know that you are well informed of the situation at hand. Avoid upsetting the customer further by reducing any inconvenient or unnecessary back and forth.
    • Resolving the issue with the customer directly may lead to the removal of negative feedback.
    • Not all negative reviews will be removed- In this case the next best step is to respond publicly to the negative feedback. This allows potential buyers to see that you have done everything that you can on your end.
  4. Display your brand’s core values while dealing with an upset customer.
    • Always show your best self when responding.
    • Maintain a positive, understanding and friendly tone.
    • Customers that leave negative feedback can be turned into avid supporters.
    • Neglecting these customers can lead to a pile-up of angry customers.
  5. Monitor reviews, quickly respond and stay cognizant of issues that arise and find a solution.
    • Customers can see how well your brand deals with problematic situations.
    • Explain to the customer that reviews are important to you as a seller.
    • There are cases where an unhappy buyer will leave multiple negative reviews on products that you sell out of spite.


As a seller on Amazon, negative reviews and dealing with difficult customers come with the territory. At the end of the day no one is perfect and having bad reviews does create authenticity in the eyes of new prospects. When people see nothing but positive reviews it can raise some suspicion.

Therefore, it is beneficial to have a healthy balance of positive and negative customer feedback. Monitoring reviews can take up a lot of time. As a full-service Amazon agency, Channel Key provides clients with access to a fully outsourced team of experts on topics like Reputation Management, Compliance, Pricing Optimization, Seller Monitoring and Account Management.

Not only can our experts help develop your winning marketplace strategy but also have the resources, technology, and expertise to help execute and operate at the highest level.

We hope that this post was insightful. If you have any additional questions leave a comment below, we’ll be there, we’ll respond, and we will help you through the process. If you found this post to be helpful, please like, share, comment, and tell other people about it.

Do you need immediate advice or assistance with Amazon strategies? Talk to our Channel Key team. Thank you for reading.

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